


1. Introduction to Operating System

This youtube playlist contains all information about Operating System. You can check it and choose which information you are looking for.

2. 35 Linux Basic Commands Every User Should Know

This page contains explanation of some basic commands that every user should know(and some tips). This link is very useful for beginners(like me!!:]).

3. Linux Tutorial - Cheat Sheet

Useful cheat sheet for linux commands. You can check other spesific cheat sheet (ex: grep or vi).


4. Cyber Security In 7 Minutes | Simplilearn

A simple video to know Cyber Security in general. This video contains full of animation, so you will enjoy this video.

5. Learn C Programming

A perfect web to learn basic of C Programming. Their C tutorials will guide you to learn C programming one step at a time.


6. File Systems in Operating System

A simple guide to learn File Systems. You can learn about file directory, file allocation methods, etc.

7. Files & File Systems: Crash Course Computer Science #20

This video explains us about how our computers read and interpret computer files. Just like the other Crach Course video, this video contains a lot of visualization that help us to understand it.


8. Logical and Physical Address in Operating System

A simple guide to learn about Logical and Physical Address. You can learn what’s logical and physical address and what’s the difference between them.

9. Introduction to pointers in C/C++

10 minutes video that explains us about pointers in C/C++ perfectly. Pointers are one of the difficult concepts for beginners in C/C++, but they try to explain it very well.


10. Page Replacement Algorithms in Operating Systems

A complete guide to learn Page Replacement Algorithms. This page explains you about the algorithms (FIFO, optimal, and LRU) clearly.

11. What is Paging | Memory management | Operating System

This video explains us about the concept of paging. They try to explain it clearly with some diagrams examples to help the viewers understand the concept. And ya, you will understand the concept in 25 minutes (😉).